defmodule MyAppWeb.UserController do use MyAppWeb , :controller plug :authenticate , usernames : [ "jose" , "eric" , "sonny" ] def show ( conn , params ) do # authenticated users only end defp authenticate ( conn , options ) do if get…
Open API Specifications for Elixir Plug applications - open-api-spex/open_api_spex lib/web/router.ex defmodule Web.Router do use Plug.Router plug :match plug :dispatch get "/elixir" do send_resp(conn, 200, "I love <3 Elixir") end match _ do send_resp(conn, 404, "This is not the page you're looking for.") end end Context: We want to provide a file to a user from a remote S3 bucket. Simple REST Demo using Elixir . Contribute to mallond/elixir-mix development by creating an account on GitHub. Data schema validation in Elixir. Contribute to lob/litmus development by creating an account on GitHub. Plug for writing access logs. Contribute to mneudert/plug_accesslog development by creating an account on GitHub. A collection of authentication-related plugs. Contribute to bitgamma/plug_auth development by creating an account on GitHub.
Data schema validation in Elixir. Contribute to lob/litmus development by creating an account on GitHub. Plug for writing access logs. Contribute to mneudert/plug_accesslog development by creating an account on GitHub. A collection of authentication-related plugs. Contribute to bitgamma/plug_auth development by creating an account on GitHub. Metatags for elixir. Contribute to johantell/metatags development by creating an account on GitHub. [WiP] Web framework for Elixir inspired by Rails [#WeberMVC at freenode] - elixir-web/weber
Stripe API client for Elixir. Contribute to sikanhe/stripe-elixir development by creating an account on GitHub. PlugCanonicalHost ensures that all requests are served by a single canonical host. - remi/plug_canonical_host Elixir demo for SRPC security framework. Contribute to knoxen/SrpcWorld development by creating an account on GitHub. Plug for API versioning. Contribute to sticksnleaves/versionary development by creating an account on GitHub. Server Sent Events for Elixir/Plug. Contribute to mustafaturan/sse development by creating an account on GitHub. Simple Elixir implementation of a server. - AgilionApps/relax Web server for viewing Poudriere results. Contribute to jj1bdx/poudriere_elixir_web development by creating an account on GitHub.
In this post, I will show you how we approach testing HTTP APIs in Elixir using is exactly the same kind of conn you get in a route handler in a Plug application. Dec 28, 2017 Ecto and Phoenix: Doing Web With Elixir Elixir Club 9, Kharkiv 2017 Download Applications are defined with an application file named in Plug.Conn Request An Elixir Plug for requiring and extracting a given header. - DevL/plug_require_header Serialization in Elixir. Contribute to vt-elixir/ja_serializer development by creating an account on GitHub. Verify signed HTTP requests from Manifold in Elixir - manifoldco/elixir-manifoldco-signature
Jul 27, 2019 Create a New Phoenix project; Phoenix File Structure It allows us to upload/download Elixir libraries from the website. PageController do use LearnPhoenixWeb, :controller def index(conn, _params) do